TrueNorth Geospatial released

Blue Toque Software is very happy to announce that TrueNorth Geospatial has been released. This project has occupied our small company for the past five years. TrueNorth was designed and built to give people a simple “word processor” style interface to a Geographic Information System (GIS). Built on standards-based APIs, and supporting hundreds of file formats and devices, we hope that TrueNorth will fill the […]

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TrueNorth in beta testing

Sometimes you work on something so hard for so long you actually miss the point where it became, for lack of a better word, “usable”. There’s this idea in software development of the minimum viable product, which in my opinion isn’t the same thing as the minimum useful feature set, but there’s probably some debate. The first […]

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Implementing ArcGis tile layer using BruTile

I recently went to the trouble of figuring out how to use BruTile to access ArcGIS online maps. ArcGIS serves the maps as a tileserver. I came up with the following URL to access the tiles of the world topographic map. Then I used the following code to configure the TileSource TileSource = new ArcGisTileSource(m_url, […]

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Introduction A QuadTree is a spatial partitioning strategy used to make queries on relationships between 2D spatial data such as coordinates in a Geographic Information System (GIS), or the location of objects in a video game. For instance, you may need to know all the objects within a region on a map, test whether objects are visible by […]

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