Update to SortableBindingList

I’ve been a using this implementation of the SortableBindingList by Tim Van Wassenhove for a few years now but recently I noticed that although making a change to the list updated all bound controls it did not update the backing collection. I switched back to a standard BindingList<T> in an attempt to resolve the issue and […]

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On Obsolescence

I love the Mac, I really do. If you look at my resume, one of my earliest jobs was doing tech support for it, and I had another job writing software for it. It was fun. However, after supporting and programming so many different systems over the years I do have some insights, and this one […]

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Comparing performance of GDAL and Proj.NET

There are two major free/open source projection libraries available for use under .NET: GDAL and Proj.NET. GDAL has a long history, and is written in C++, so it’s compiled to machine code. The C# bindings are generated by a tool. Calling C++ from C# uses a process called “pinvoke” (Platform Invoke), and a certain amount […]

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